If your special day is around the corner and you are anxious about the fact that all the eyes are going to be on you, then here is just the thing you need to read, Start prepping your skin in advance to ensure that you look stunning on your wedding day. For the most of you brides-to-be, the biggest concern is getting superb makeup and getting that perfect look. But if you don’t have a clean and healthy skin, then ladies you are not ready. The superb makeup look you not only need to have flawless skin throughout but also your skin shouldn’t have imperfections and flaws. Here are a few skin care tips that will help you get glowing skin before your wedding…
Eat hydrating fruits:
The first step for clean and glowing skin is to drink plenty of water. The idea is to keep your body hydrated. You can even have plenty of watermelon, which is a great source of hydration for your skin. You can also have grapefruits, broccoli and lettuce.
Prep your skin 3 months ahead:
Give some time to your skin to get ready, start preparing 3 months in advance. This should be an ideal time when you can religiously start looking after your skin. Make your diet healthy and natural. Don’t eat too much oily food, this will help you decrease the development of acne.
Take facials:
This is the age for acne and skin discolouration from the skin. Go for deep-cleansing facials once a month that will help you prepare your skin.
Get your beauty sleep:
No beauty treatment is complete without proper 8 hours of sleep every night. Make sure you are sleeping properly. If you have some problem sleeping then add a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow for a sound sleep. Don’t make a habit of this.
If the longer you have to correct any skin issues, the better, Use this products to that contain exfoliating acids, will help to cut out dead skin cells, which tend to build up and leave our complexions looking dull and lifeless. Removed this dead layer will leave your skin looking fresher and more vibrant. To remember to use a well SPF to avoid exposed skin becoming damaged.
Now that you will be applying makeup for different functions, make sure you clean your makeup tools and hair tools. Shampoo out your makeup brushes to avoid any bacteria build-up on your skin. Wash them with shampoo, rinse and hang to air-dry with the bristles facing down.
Do not try any future products up to three weeks before your wedding this includes skincare, hair care, make-up, and even washing powder. Any kind of a reaction, it could take a couple of weeks to calm down, which the last thing you need before your big day. Start drinking green tea, preferably every day. Not only can this help with weight loss – alongside a good diet and exercise regime, of course – but many people swear by its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to help brighten the skin and reduce acne. If you’re getting married abroad or in the summer, you need to be on top of your wedding skincare.
To find out wear SPF50 daily, starting from 5 weeks before the wedding. Do not risk sunbathing – you don’t want to get married looking like a lobster! Even if you do tan rather than burn, you may be left with unsightly strap marks that will spoil your wedding photos, so keep reapplying that sun cream. Don’t forget your ears, lips and the back of your neck. There’s going to be a lot of focus on your hands on your big day, so keep them in peak condition.
Massage sweet almond oil into your hands and nails on a daily basis, and by your big day your nails will be stronger and your hands will be super soft. If your hands tend to be flaky, you can also make yourself a DRY hand scrub by mixing together a little olive oil and sugar. Use it to gently exfoliate, following up by moisturizing with your sweet almond oil. Finally, don’t forget your lips. Wear a well quality lip balm and re-apply regularly all the day. Do this for at least a week before your wedding and your lips will be beautifully soft and smooth. Drink coconut water every day for glowing skin and more over gulp down chia seeds soaked in water before dinner. They’re loaded with nutrients and fill you up so no more dinner binges.