You can go for skin polishing treatment if you want your skin to become smoother, softer and brighter. The most common types of skin exfoliation are microdermabrasion and chemical peels. Chemical peeling minimises the appearance of different spots or scars present on your skin by the use of certain chemicals. Chemical peeling involves applying high potency acids on skin. Applying these acids removes the surface scars and lessens the appearance of deeper scars. It improves the appearance of skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can get skin polishing treatment if you feel that your skin has become dull from all the environmental pollution and dirt. If you have damaged skin, age spots, fine lines and uneven skin, you should go for microdermabrasion. Chemical peels can benefit people suffering from acne scars or deep wrinkles.
If you are undergoing some other medical treatment, skin spots may occur due to the side effects of those medications. Make sure you are through with that treatment before going for any skin polishing treatment.
You may experience redness in your skin for some time but it goes away in a few hours. Do not get skin polishing done on the day you have to attend an event or occasion. It is always wise to get it done a day or two in advance.
You must follow your doctor’s instructions well after the treatment is over. Try your best not to expose your skin to direct sunlight. If stepping out in the sun is unavoidable, apply a large amount sunscreen lotion with an SPF of at least 15. Make appointments with your dermatologist and get at least 4 sessions of skin polishing treatment done to see visible results.
The results of the treatment are permanent if you take good care of your skin. You must avoid direct sunlight as much as you can. Keep your skin away from dirt and pollution by cleaning it from time to time.
Chemical peels have been proven to:
1. Improve appearance and texture of skin – Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
2. Treat acne scars and pigmentation from acne blemishes
3. Reduce acne breakouts, smooth acne-prone skin
4. Reduce age spots, sun spots, and dark spots from pregnancy and birth control pills (melasma)
For best results, you should always prepare your skin for at least 2 weeks prior to a chemical peel with prescribed medications. Follow the doctors instructions strictly. The care you take at home vis a vis application of the pre and post peel regimen are crucial to the success of your treatment